September 2008 Spruce Meadows Masters Team Canadian Pinto: Sammy, Kathleen & I.

4 of My Students: Becky, Jess, Emily & Lindsay rode with us in the demonstration ring.

Photo Gallery

Nanaimo was my first foal, and had 10 foals for me.  She was a great mom. 15hh and 1200 lbs.  Bloodlines  Foals: 1 black overo, 2 black, 3 palomino overo, 1 palomino, 2 brown tovero, 1 sorrel.  Euthanized Sept 2012 due to arthritis from old knee injury in the pasture.

2 year old Western Pleasure

Text Box: Colchester Crusaders 4-H Club Leader 1998-2013

Click on the picture above to see the 2006 Musical Ride VIDEO performed on the July Long Weekend at Focus on 4-H  at the Northlands Agricom, Edmonton.

Mister Thirty Thirty, age 3, 17.2hh

Mactalla, Arabian stallion

Text Box: Local Open Horse Show Pictures & Video Clips

Click on the links below for video clips of 2 year old “Masters Golden Kiwi” shown in 2006 shows.  English Pleasure Video or Western Pleasure Video

Becky     Jessica       Sammy     Emily          Lindsay               Lisa                 Kathleen

Carmel       Sky           Dolly             Candy            Java                        Master

Text Box: Paints-Plus Jumping Drill Team Organizer
(Click on picture below to see video)
Text Box: Spruce Meadows Masters Battle of the Breeds Competitor

Blackfoot Grazing Reserve Trail Ride in parking lot and Master helps me open the gate.

Ministik Bird Sanctuary Trail Ride

Text Box: Local Trail Ride Pictures
Text Box: Summer Mountain Camping Trip Pictures

Part of the 10 hour trail to Miette Hotsprings from Whitehorse Creek Campground.

Candy & I crossing the

deep Red Deer River

in the Ya Ha Tinda.

Covered horse stalls, covered cooking area, hot tub, and yes, we do bring the kitchen sink as well. 

Master & I reading the map on the Kananskis Big Elbow Loop Trail.

A few of us hiked the 2km uphill to the Cadomin Caves to go exploring at Whitehorse Creek Campgournd.

Master & I going up on Nihahi Creek Trail in Kananskis.

To the right is the view as we go over the top Fiddle Pass, on the way to Miette Hotsprings. 

Master was euthanized October 22, 2009 after colic surgery for a bad twist and displacement.  His memory will live on in his foals, but he will be missed.  Click to see the “In Memory Video

+ Paints-Plus Equine Center +

Text Box: Ski-Jouring

Chus Irish Nanaimo Bar
