
for students ages 5 to adult.  Message her through her website for her form.


Email for new student trial lessons if space available in current classes.

Our weekly group lesson program is geared towards beginner to intermediate level english, western, &  jumping for ages 8-14 and 14-adult. We do also have shorter beginner lessons for ages 5-7.  Lessons run year round in our heated  indoor arena. We don't cancel due to temperature in the winter. We teach in the outdoor arena when the weather permits. 

You may submit a registration form for the all sessions you plan to take.  Please note you risk losing your spot in future sessions if you don't register for all at once, as anyone can register for future sessions anytime.  If you need to cancel a session, please email us at least 2 months prior, or you will be charged for lessons that session until we are able to fill your spot.


2025 Lesson Rates (GST not included below)
$420 per 8 week session for group lessons on one of our lesson horses, or $160 per 8 week session on your own horse boarded at Paints-Plus Equine Center.


We offer a few 1/2 hour private lesson spots on lesson horses in 8 week sessions when instructors are available.  They are on registration form above with rates.

+ Private lessons on a boarded or leased horse are $40/half hour or $60/1 hour.  If hauling in add $20 haul in fee.  These don’t have to be every week in a session.  

+ Drop in cash lessons are available to boarders only at $25/lesson and haul ins at $45/lesson, only if there is space available so contact instructor a week ahead.


Leasing Lesson Horses

$260 per 8 week session additional for 1 supervised lease ride per week on a lesson horse if already paying for 1 or 2 lessons per week.  Those over age 18 not riding during supervised lease times are $220 per 8 week session.  Some lesson and boarded horses are available for part lease.  This is an opportunity for intermediate to experienced lesson students to do an additional day of practice flat riding each week, and ride the same horse for 1 lesson.  If doing a second lesson or makeup lesson not within the same week of missed lesson, you will ride an available lesson horse.  Supervised lease rides for those under 18 are Tuesdays 7:30 or Sundays 4:30. Makeup lease rides may be allowed, but only within the week of missed ride.  Students interested in leasing must be approved by their instructor as being capable of catching, grooming and tacking up safely on your own.  Experienced students over 18 may be approved to lease without taking weekly lessons: 2 days/week $240/month or 3 days/week $360/month. 


Frequently Asked Questions:  


CAN I BOOK A TRIAL LESSON? A trial lesson may be available in a group that has space for $60 cash or for a private (1/2 hour ground, 1/2 hour riding) for $80 cash.  You may also come watch.

DO YOU HAVE LESSON HORSES?  We have over 35 for different levels of riders. The horses are kept outside, clipped & blanketed in the winter, to speed up cooling out for students after their ride.


CAN LESSON STUDENTS GO TO SHOWS IF THEY DON'T HAVE THEIR OWN HORSE?  We do a barn fun show for all students in December with flat classes and games and a jumping show in February.  We also take students to some flat/gymkhana and jumping schooling shows.  We recommending leasing so you can become familiar with the horse you take to shows.


DO PARENTS NEED TO STAY?  For our 5-7 year olds, 1 parent/guardian is required to stay and help per child in the barn and arena.  Age 8 and up, parents are welcome, but not required to spectate.


WHEN DO I NEED TO ARRIVE FOR MY LESSON & HOW LONG DO I STAY?  Students must arrive 1/2 hour before the lesson to get horse caught, groomed and tacked. Assistants help beginners. Lessons are 1 hour in the arena, and run back to back, so if you are late, your lesson will be shorter. Plan on staying after the lesson 1/2 hour to cool horses out, untack, groom, blanket & turnout.


WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING?  All students must have their own properly fitted ASTM approved riding helmet and boots with a minimum 1/2" heel (paddock boots, ropers or cowboy boots are preferred, but rubber boots with a heel are acceptable -- its difficult to put your heel down in rubber boots). Hiking boots or winter boots are also acceptable, provided they don't get stuck in stirrup and have a heel.  Sleeved shirts required (for safety please minimize skin exposed—no tank tops, short shirts or holes in jeans).  The arena is heated to 8 Celcius in the winter so horses don't overheat, so wear warm layers in the winter, including gloves and headbands. The tacking area is 12 and upstairs spectator area is 17.

Text Box: English & Western Horsemanship, Jumping & Dressage

Specializing in building a relationship between horse and rider 
for beginner to intermediate level recreational riders and
 riders competing in open and schooling level shows.
Lisa riding MisterText Box: Instructors

Lisa Harrison teaches english, jumping, western. Diploma in Equine Science

15+ years experience coaching, training, showing pleasure, jumping, driving, dressage, gymkhana, trail.

Certified Equine Canada Coach  780-237-7587

Click here for Lesson Horse Pictures and Descriptions


Click here for a Video clip from our different lessons

+ Paints-Plus Equine Center +

2025 Registration Form for Lessons 8 Week Sessions

You can register anytime to be on waiting list for spots that open in Sessions 2-5 and we will email you if space at least 1 month ahead.

Session #1: September 3 - October 28, 2024

Session #2: October 29 - December 23, 2024

Session #3: January 3 - February 27, 2025

Session #4: February 28 - April 24, 2025

Session #5: April 25 - May 15 & May 20 - June 23, 2025

*lessons run on holidays in between dates listed above


Click for July/Aug 2024 You-Pick Lesson and Lease Form — due June 1

In July/August we offer evening group lessons for ages 5 to adult.  Beginner Flat and Jumping Level 1/2 classes are open to new and current students.  Intermediate Flat and Jumping Level 3 classes are only open to current and past students that don’t need assistance catching or tacking. 

3 day/week leases available July/Aug for students with leasing experience.


Claire will also be offering flat summer lessons some weekday afternoons

Text Box: We are offering Birthday Party Rides for current or past students (and their friends). Saturdays 4pm (different limited days available in summer) 
$50/rider, with a min of 5 and max of 8 - half hour ride plus can use upstairs area before or after the ride (may have to share with others viewing)
We do have some riding helmets for friends to borrow. If no heels on boots/shoes they will have to ride without stirrups. Email to book ahead.

Claire Sandercock joined us in September 2019 to teach some adults and home school students weekday afternoon lessons.  She is also available for training. 

Check out her website to register with her directly for her group or private lessons.  587-589-8812

Iris Rau teaches English, jumping, western, dressage. Diploma in Equine Science CHA Certified Coach.  Also trains English and Dressage.

25+ years experience coaching, breeding, training, showing.    780-977-1376

Alexys Mishak teaches age 5-7, 8-14 & 14-adult beginner & intermediate classes.  CHA Coach Certiified.  She also can teach side saddle and driving. 780-938-4707

Harmony Babich is one of Claire’s students and has started teaching July 2023 after finishing her certification courses.  She has been a tacking assistant for the past 3 years here.  Harmony will be teaching mainly beginner and intermediate flat lessons as well as supervising lease rides and subbing for other instructors.  780-884-2157